Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thoughts on life, love and... ???

I just finished watching the end of a movie called "Love Actually". You have probably seen it and I hope you really liked it because I love this movie.

It has been a long while since I last wrote in this blog and I'm sorry for that. I wanted to write more often when I started this and I remember my 'usual' fuel of writing were some experiences regarding love which might not have been the best of my life.

Then again, I see this kind of movies and I wonder about my own life and my own relationships. Life is not like a movie in many ways. First of all (and one of the biggest points in my opinion) is that life doesn't really have a soundtrack. You can add music to it, but it's just not the same. In my life music is very important and a soundtrack would be b-e-a-utiful! This should explain, to some extent, why I am always wearing earphones.

Now then, besides music, life is really not like many of the fairy tales we see in movies. It's strange how in movies things usually work out and in life is usually the other way around. Or at least so it seems... And I guess that's the purpose of this small (I hope) piece of work.

Movies have a script; they have a beginning, a couple of issues or problems, intrigue, twists and finally an end. In two hours or less you will be taken throughout a persons life (or several people) and a story will be told. In the case of this particular movie, several stories about love and very VERY particular situations. This scripts tell people EXACTLY what they are supposed to do, how to react, what to say, who to look at, what faces to make and so on and so forth. BUT!!! What about life? Who tells you what to do or what to say? What are the words you're supposed to say to the person you like? Is it going to sound the way you're thinking about it? Or will the words that come out of your mouth (or cellphone or comment or post) screw you over and turn you upside down?
Well... Nobody is telling you what to do.

And that IS the beauty of life! There are NO scripts, NO fixed dialogues, NO prepared situations. NOTHING in life, really, is set up. And if something is, it shouldn't be. Why? Simple: life is about surprises. About NOT knowing the very next thing, the very next moment. What would be the fun in it if we knew exactly what was going to happen? We'd be better off dead.

At this point in my life I have a lot going on for me. I'm studying, I have a beautiful family, friends I never imagined I could have, purpose and changes and I'm currently looking into a romantic opportunity. I'm not saying I have it all or I know it all. But I AM saying that I have a lot. And I'm very thankful for what I have. But all this that I have is here not because it was written or pre-set. It's here because of the decisions I've made and the decisions other people have made. We never got together to agree on what we were going to say/do/think/etc. We just went with it.

Bottom line: GO WITH IT!!! Don't be reckless and stupid (although I have to say it sometimes pays off); think about what your're doing, but don't let anything hold you back. Mistakes? No... Life experiences.

There is nothing set, nothing written. The story is yet a blank page... What are you waiting for? Get out there and LIVE!!!